Our first Wicked Lit Anthology is now available on Amazon.com! The collection includes nine short plays including four of mine: The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, The Chimes: A Goblin Story, Las Llaronas, and The Grove of Rashomon. This 202 page book is not only a dream come true for us three Unbound Productions founders but also a testament to the incredible work of hundreds of actors, designers, directors, stage managers and technicians (not to mention Greystone Mansion and Mountain View staff, and of course the incredible team at Steele Spring Stage Rights!). If it wasn't for all of you, Wicked Lit wouldn't be the beast that it is. :-) Even if you don't buy the book, click on the link below! Web traffic begets web traffic and it'll help us get Amazon to promote the book even more. Thanks!
PS - This is a licensing edition, so if any of you producers out there are thinking of bringing Wicked Lit to your city, this is the way to do it.
My 10-minute play Phone Friend will be part of Midtown International Theatre Festival in NYC (July 15-16). I'm super excited to be reunited with director Jonathan Schlieman who helmed my production of Grandpa and the Gay Rabbi at last year's Sam French Off-Off Broadway Play Festival. All that production did was be named one of the six winners of the festival! So this lil bittersweet story of disconnection and new connections is in great hands.

I submitted some elements to The Box: Los Angeles (March 3-25), a very cool-sounding, organic late-night theatre event that's being produced at Sacred Fools. In their words, this show is "...an experiment in randomly generated narrative. Given a collection of characters and settings from which to choose, writers [have created] small scenes and snippets that will then be put together randomly and performed each night." Should be a trip! And you may see some of my work...

SOCAL SPOTLIGHT Westcoast Jewish Theatre FUGU by Howard Teichman & Steven Simon directed by Howard Teichman Pico Playhouse Through March 19 Hoping to persuade President Roosevelt to revoke the 1935 oil embargo he imposed on the Japanese for attacking China, a group of Japanese ministers allowed European Jews safe haven in Kobe, Japan. Unfortunately another group of ministers had a different idea -- the attack on Pearl Harbor.