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  • JJ

"Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better" - Samuel Beckett

Get 2-for-1 tickets with code HLCOMPANY16! Catch my adaptations of The Garden Party and The Girl Who Owned A Bear as a part of History Lit 2016 starting this Saturday, July 9. This is an immersive, moving show in the style of Wicked Lit (but with dramas and a fractured fairy tale... and much less horror and vampires and the like).

I came across this cool lil article by Kim Liao on Lit Hub called WHY YOU SHOULD AIM FOR 100 REJECTIONS A YEAR that describes an innovative way to deal with the avalanche of rejection that comes with persuing one's greatest art. Liao proposes a shift in perspective - that we move away from finding success despite rejection to getting rejected (essentially) as much as possible, knnowing that that must happen before success can be acheived. By doing this, rejection literally becomes the path to success instead of the obstacle. Brilliant. If you're a creative, or if you love a creative, check if out (and thanks to Idris Goodwin for sharing this article in the first place!).

My 5-minute play Grass and Andy is going to be included in an Applause Books Anthology of very short plays. Funnily enough, the play started as an okay 10-minute play, and when I was invited to submit a 5-minute play for this anthology, I was able to shape it into a little dart of a thing that I'm pretty proud of. Fair warning, I was watching a lot of Parenthood when I wrote this play... it'll be out in January.

Coming Soon:

Grandpa and the Gay Rabbi Samuel French Off-Off Broadway One-act Festival East 13th Street Theater New York, NY August 12, 2016 Get tickets The Laurence Fishburne Play (Staged Reading) Details are to be announced for this new play workshop. Little Candle Productions October 23

Unbound Productions:

Stay tuned for details about our ghost story experience that is coming to ScareLA, August 6-7. We debuted The Tell-Tale Heartat the very first ScareLA convention in 2013. Wicked Lit 2016 Opens October 1. I am very excitied about my new adaptation that will be staged outside in Mountain View Cemetery. Details announced later in the summer!

SOCAL SPOTLIGHT ScareLA Pasadena Convention Center August 6-7 * Celebrity and expert panels on the haunt business, horror entertainment and more * 200+ fantastic exhibitors * Sneak peaks of the most anticipated upcoming local haunts and theme parks * Performances by local horror themed theatre companies and musicians * Much more!

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