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#playwright & reviews in haiku


I'm so very grateful that between 6 productions (3 world premieres), 4 readings and 6 publications, 14 of my plays will be touched by the universe this year. Playwriting can feel like a numbers game sometimes, though I was recently reminded by the community of The Official Playwrights of Facebook that "play publishing/producing are numbers games, and best left to those who love numbers... playwriting is about words & people & feelings... and being obedient to the muse" (thanks Mark Hein!). Whatever the truth may be, at least so far this year, the numbers appear to be angling the right way. Details and ticket links are, gasp, available at

Our 10-minute play Chubby Bunny, about two marshmallows that find true love (just before being introduced to a campfire), recieved it's 2nd and 3rd productions in April at high schools in Pasadena, MD and Canstota, SD!

UPDATES: My 10-minute Grandpa and the Gay Rabbi is going to be included in the Alliance of Los Angeles Playwrights' Pride Reading Festival on June 25 at Plummer Park at 1pm. This is the first public performance of the play I'm super excited! The reading is part of West Hollywood's One City, One Pride Festival.

Coming Soon:

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Production #8) Project Theatre May 18-19 That Laurence Fishburne Play (staged reading) Little Candle Productions June TBD

Unbound Productions:

Summer Production: TBA We are getting very close to being able to announce our next show in Pasadena! Wicked Lit 2016: Will open September 30. Details announced later in the summer!

SOCAL SPOTLIGHT The Big Meal By Dan LeFranc Dirceted BY Jocelyn Brown Chance Theater Now-May 22 Weekend performances are already sold out for this SoCal premiere! Don't miss time-bending odyssey of birth, death, divorce and dinner. When a man meets a young waitress in a local diner, neither of them knows the nearly 80 years of history that will follow.

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